“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Montgomery, Ala. 1957)


First responders often suffer from the burden of virtue. Its weight imposes significantly higher suicide rates than the populations they serve.

And a first responder's suicide inflicts a terrible toll on the first responder's family: emotional, psychological, and—too often overlooked—financial.

We're here to try to help.

Our family suffered this toll. On November 12, 2021, our first responder son and brother, Mitch Winters, died by suicide. He was an Eagle Scout, a decorated United States Marine Corps infantryman, and a police officer. Mitch's suicide tragically cut short what would have been a life of giving.

Recognizing the outsized role that first responders play in our society and that society owes them much more than they receive, the Foundation—with and through your help—provides annual grants to children of first responders in Alameda County, California, where Mitch was raised, for trade school, community college, college or university, or graduate school.

We humbly ask for your support. We're a 501(c)(3) corporation. Every penny you donate will help the children of first responders.

Thank you very much for visiting our webpage and for anything that you can donate. Mitch would've been honored by your attention and engagement. So are we.

With gratitude, respect, and appreciation,

Mitch's family